How to Keep Bears Away While Camping

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  1. Thanks for sharing these tips on how to keep bears away while camping! As someone who loves to spend time in nature, I find this information invaluable. The tip about hanging food and scented items from a tree at least 10 feet off the ground is particularly helpful. I can’t wait to try these techniques on my next camping trip! 🏕️🐻

    1. That’s a great question – and I don’t know the answer.

      I did find this small post on that recommends treating excess breastmilk the same as dishwater and dispose of it away from the camp. Just like your camp toilet, dispose of any other scented material at least 200-300 feet upwind from your camp. If you find a definitive answer, please let us know.

    2. Where do ypu fined them CUSe we have a back dare here so like how do we get him away becuse he comes at like 3:00 am or like 4:00. Am

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